‘Clash of Clans’ October 2016 update promises balancing changes to keep gameplay interesting & fun

Supercell has finally assured fans that it is soon going to release the “Clash of Clans” update that has been much talked about all this while. In all likelihood the update will arrive in October.
Supercell released a blog post outlining the changes that can be expected in the “Clash of Clans” October 2016 update. More update news and Sneak Peeks will be revealed gradually. The update will have new troops and the majority will be concentrated on the upper level, Town Hall 11.
Quite a few troops will be seen balancing changes to keep the “Clash of Clans” gameplay both interesting and fun. In addition, upgrades will get discounted, writes iDigitalTimes. Troops will get upgrade discounts on the basis of cost and time. There will also be a change in the Clan War Rewards.
Players will reportedly earn a partial War Win Bonus even when their attacks fail and the bonuses won’t be reduced even while attacking a lower Town Hall level. Players can also win more Clan XP with more difficult targets in war.
The “Clash of Clans” October update will provide better rewards for clean-up attacks and “lessen the downsides of more ambitious war attacks,” the blog post reported.
According to NEUROGADGET, players are hoping that the update will also increase the Town Halls lower levels. The main problem now is the in-balance during PvP and hopefully the “Clash of Clans” update will fix it. The update may also allow players to mine for Free Gems so that they can improve their rankings at a faster rate.
As per certain rumours, the “Clash of Clans” October update will also bring changes to Lightning, Poison and Earthquake spells. The updated spells will inflict more damage on enemy troops.
Stay tuned on IBT AU for more news on the “Clash of Clans” October update.