A new research shows that kids with smoking parents are more prone to ear infection. It was also reported that every time moms lit up a cigarette, the chances for ear infection surgeries are increasing.

Ear infections are indeed painful. Can you imagine how a young child can bear the pain?

"It's pretty impressive, especially since ear infections cause enormous pain," says Dr. Michael Weitzman. The doctor is currently studying at New York Medical Center about the effects of parental smoking to infants. He is not a participant of this research though.

Sixty one past studies supported the research paper. Researchers also claimed that the numerous cases of ear infections in children are caused by smoking parents. The claim that second hand smoke also causes ear infection has not been proven yet. But the researchers are conducting more studies about that matter because they are suspecting that more cases of ear infections in children are caused by second hand smoke.
“The new paper once again highlights a common child health problem that is profoundly influenced by mothers' smoking, and it focuses our attention more than previous studies have on it resulting in surgical procedures for children."Weitzman added.

The paper claims that 37% of children living with a smoker have higher chances of getting middle ear diseases including ear infections. On the other hand, 62 percent of kids can have hearing problems if the smoker was their mom. It was also found that 86 percent of children with smoking mothers can most likely have ear infection surgeries. Three out of four children also suffer from ear problems according to the new research.

In Australia, studies were also conducted and almost 40% of children were having different types of ear problems like middle ear effusion. It was stated that the problems can be related to family history, the use of grommets or tympanostomy tubes, and ethnicity. However, if people will base the situation under this new paper, parental smoking can also be a possible cause.

The cases of ear infection and other types of middle ear problems in Australia are increasing. Aside from ear problems, parental smoking was also known for being one of the causes of different children diseases like asthma, and other respiratory problems. However, smoking seems to be impossible to stop.

Though the new research didn’t cover other possible causes of ear infections, the main thing to do is to find away to decrease and to minimize the cases of ear problems in children.