Consultant pediatrician Dr Ishaq Abu-Arafeh is bringing out a book this month called "Childhood Headache." It's a newer version of the same book released almost a decade ago, updated and refreshed since medicinal science has made leaps of advances in understanding the root of the problem. In Scotland's biggest children hospital - the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Yorkhill, Glasgow - children as young as seven are treated for dependence on painkillers which in turn cause rebound headaches. Also, too much of caffeine found in sodas and colas are another reason for childhood headaches.

Many of the conditions children are prone to today was in the past exclusive to adults - like rebound headaches from having too many painkillers. If a child complains of a headache, it's common for the parent to simply hand over an OTC painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. These medicines dull the pain and seeing that they "work", the parent tends to over-give the child the same drug. Prolonged usage of these drugs make the head feel sensitive and sore.

In a way, these rebound headaches are withdrawal symptoms that the child undergoes due to intake of too much of these OTC drugs. According to Dr Abu-Arafeh, these rebound-headache patients are a fortnightly occurrence, but one in three of the children he sees suffering from chronic headaches are often habitual caffeine-based cola drinkers. Most of these patients are adolescents and girls are almost double the percentage of boys. While he states that it's impossible to judge why this happens, he does say that the outdoor play lifestyle has change to an almost exclusive indoor play one. Diet too may be a factor.

In another study in the UK, apparently 6 out of 10 mothers encourage their children not to play outside because it's easier to look after them. The study surveyed 2,000 moms with children between the ages of 7 and 12 and also found that 59% of British women say they are protecting their kids from 'danger' by letting them play indoors and 82% of mothers would rather spend time watching TV with their children during holidays rather than engage in outdoor activities!