Nathan Fillion, who plays Rick Castle in ABC's popular series "Castle," has ruled out the possibility of his character being in some kind of trauma after what happened in the final moments of "Castle" Season 6. He teased that Castle will be where he would like to be.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly (EW), Fillion said, "I think we will find that Castle is exactly where he would like to be. "... He's just gotten away with so much for so long that he kind of lives in a wonderful, 'Hey, life is good' kind of mentality. I think we're going to find him there."

In the last season finale, Castle was on his way to get married to Beckett. He told Beckett that he has got their marriage license in his pocket and he will be reaching the wedding venue soon. He saw a black SUV following his car. The season 6 wrapped up with Beckett reaching an accident spot and spotting Castle's car in a ravine, engulfed in fire. The Season 7 of "Castle" will open with Beckett not finding Castle's body inside the car and soon questions will surface about what happened to Castle.

The last six seasons of "Castle" explored Beckett's past and the mythology related to her mother's death. With the arrest of Senator Bracken, with evidence, in Season 6, Beckett's mythology finally reached its conclusion and Beckett was also able to get a closure on her mother's death. The new season of "Castle," Season 7, will be introducing a new mythology to take the show forward. However, this new mythology is related to Castle's past and new secrets about him are going to be revealed. Fillion has hinted that his back-story need not be dark like Beckett's. Her past made Beckett a tough, dark, brooding woman. However, Castle is not a tough guy but he is an "okay guy," according to Fillion.

Mythology or no mythology, fans would like to see their favourite Caskett couple tie the knot. Fillion does not see that his character will back out and have doubts about marrying Beckett. He said to EW, ""He's been married twice already. It's not like he's gun shy. I think Castle is a man who loves life and he loves people and think that is something that will never fundamentally change about him."

"Castle" Season 7 is scheduled to premiere on Monday, Sept. 29 on ABC.