After winning the Head of Household (HOH) for week 9 of "Big Brother Canada" 2, Jon put Sabrina and Heather on the block. Heather wins Power of Veto and removed herself as nominee for eviction forcing Jon to put Adel as replacement.

HOH Jon put Sabrina and Heather on the block for eviction after he and Neda talked about targeting Heather this week. But fate was so good for the latter as she won the POV which grant her immunity from being the target. Heather removed herself off the block which made Jon and Neda decide to put Adel as replacement.

Jon and Neda seemed to be the power duo in the house. They have a Final 2 deal with each other and have fake Final 2 with Adel and Heather respectively. The duo along with Heather were planning to vote to evict Adel this week. And next week, Jon and Neda planned to take out Heather unless she won any of the major competition in the Big Brother house (HOH or POV).

While the house guests plot their way to the finals, Sabrina has been the pawn for consecutive weeks already. Heather called her the 'pawn star' in one of the occasions. She had been nominated in the block along with strong players week after week. And those strong players were actually the target for eviction.

Sabrina's game plan maybe shaken after the First 5 alliance (Andrew, Sabrina, Sarah, Arlie and Kenny along with Rachelle and Allison) collapsed. But as the most hated house guest this season, she had managed to stay long up to the Final 5. And if Adel goes this week, she will have her name carved on the Final 4 and maybe the Final 3 or Final 2.

As the "Big Brother Canada" 2 was set to end on a week or two from now, fans are getting excited on who will be the second Canada big winner for the famous franchise. The decision will be up to the jury composed of evicted house guests Arlie, Allison, Rachelle and the three other house guests who will be evicted soon with Canada as the 7th member of the jury.