Canada has decided, Andrew and Sabrina is "Big Brother Canada" 2 Week 5 nominees for eviction.

"Big Brother Canada" 2 live feeds were cut and blocked for two days after Big Brother announced that Canada will be Week 5's Head of Household (HOH). This may have been done to prevent spoilers on who will be on the block this week. Though, fans are heated and different polls form different big brother fan sites revealed who will probably be this week's nominees.

Fans are after two of their most hated houseguests--the 27 year old restaurant Manager Andrew Gordon and the 25 year old makeup artist Sabrina Abbate. The two are notorious player in the house.

Andrew is known for his strong alliance with Kenny and his remarks on things like gender, religion and the likes. He was also addressed by some house guests as the "nose picker" for picking his nose from time to time. Andrew is also up for 'showmances' with Allison and Sabrina.

Sabrina is probably known for her smooth game play being in the middle of two alliances--the first 5 and the girls. Though girls alliance was cut short after Sabrina told Rachelle to put Ika on the nominations list last week. Sabrina seemed to control Rachelle's HOH which leads to backdoor Ika and the latter's eviction. Ika's eviction sparked agitation to fans of the famous reality show. Sabrina is also known for being loud and for lying to almost every house guest.

After Big Brother announced the big twist in Week 5's nomination, Sabrina and Andrew on separate talks to the housemates thought that Canada love them and will never put them on the block. The announcement that the two of them may turn up a surprise to these confident house guest but not to "Big Brother Canada" 2 followers.

Andrew and Sabrina will have the opportunity to remove themselves from the list of nominees for eviction if they won thge Power of Veto challenge which will happen earlier this week. If that happens, the third house guest which got the highest vote from Canada HOH will be the replacement nominee.

The Canada HOH is the second big twist on "Big Brother Canada" 2 after the mysterious house guest.