On Nov. 2013, Tim Robards gave Anna Heinrich the last red rose and said to her, "you have my heart and I've fallen madly and deeply in love with you" in the Season 1 finale of "The Bachelor Australia." He gave her a ring that he had himself designed. An infinity loop was carved on the ring. It was not an engagement ring and the couple did not immediately move in together after the telecast of the final-episode. Tim, 32, and Anna, 27, took their time to know each other and this year in August, the two started living together. Tim has yet to propose to Anna but it looks like they have given their relationship a strong foundation. The fans of this couple want to know when they are planning to get married.

Anna and Tim recently attended the WHO's Sexiest People Party. Speaking about their marriage plans, Tim said to WHO, "We're just keeping it real. It's been a year -- most people date for at least a year these days." He also said his grandma was also talking about their marriage. She said to him, "... it took me a year, and that was back then! Now's the time!"

Meanwhile, Anna recently revealed that when the producers said to him that it would be great if he proposed to someone at the end of the season, Tim refused to do that. Mail Online has quoted Anna as saying, "I wouldn't have wanted Tim to propose then." She wanted them to know each other before taking the next step.

Unlike Tim's slow approach to taking his and Anna's relationship to the next level, Blake, the bachelor of Season 2, rushed into an engagement with Sam on national television. A few days before the telecast of the final-episode, Blake pulled the plug on the engagement. He also wrote a letter to Louise, expressing his feelings for her. He had sent Louise home in the penultimate episode. Louise is moving to Perth to be with Blake. It would not come as a surprise if Blake and Louise walk down the aisle before Tim and Anna.