IN PHOTO: Director Joss Whedon poses at the world premiere of the film "Marvel's The Avengers"
Director Joss Whedon poses at the world premiere of the film "Marvel's The Avengers" in Hollywood, California April 11, 2012. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok Reuters/Danny Moloshok

New footage from the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron" has reportedly been released at the CES event. The video showed at the event is said to have borrowed heavily from the official trailer of the movie and added a few additional scenes. The director of the movie is also said to have made a few comments in the video.

Fans of the franchise who have already seen the official trailer of the upcoming movie may remember seeing the new character Quicksilver running in slow motion on a train. According to a report by IGN, the footage released at the CES event included a scene in this segment that showed Ultron drones bursting into the train.

The second additional scene shown at the event is reportedly that of Iron Man flying into the camera and leaving several Ultron drones tumbling behind him. The third scene is said to involve the destruction of a Samsung building in the movie.

The video also reportedly showed the various stages of evolution that the villain goes through in "Avengers: Age of Ultron." The concept arts of the villain showcased in the video is set to be mostly of the robot in its broken state with improvements made to the body as the movie progresses.

The director, Joss Whedon, reportedly said that he always pictured the superheroes fighting Ultron whenever he thought about the "Avengers." The director reportedly got his wish fulfilled when he got James Spader to be the voice behind the villain in the movie. The director is said to have approached the actor personally for the role.

The main villain in the movie is an artificial intelligence that has gained consciousness after Tony Stark started doing experiments to revive a dormant peace-keeping initiative. Fans of the franchise have already seen the villain in both his broken state as well as his new complete body in the first official trailer.

Marvel Entertainment has released two videos of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" so far. The first is the official trailer of the movie and the second video is the extended trailer that shows all the superheroes at a social gathering. The main villain features in both videos.

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Source: YouTube/Marvel Entertainment

Source: YouTube/Marvel UK

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