The supposed news and rumors regarding Apple's new iPhone is taking the world by storm as more and more "leaked" specifications have been appearing in different news sources. The latest one came from the website, 9to5Mac which states that the new iPhone prototypes will be having 1GB of RAM and "A5X" chip which was utilized in the new iPad for the Retina Display features.

The information revealed by 9to5Mac came from examining Apple's internal new iPhone prototype seed. Here is an excerpt from the said article:

The purpose of the prototype iPhone that we heard about is to test a variation of the "A5X" chip in an iPhone. The A5X processor in the new iPad was specifically built to drive the new Retina Display, so that chip wouldn't make much sense in an iPhone.

Instead, the iPhone prototypes that we're talking about have a variation of the A5X's S5L8945X architecture. Like the A5X-powered iPad, these new iPhone prototypes are packing 1GB of RAM. This prototype is labeled N96 internally, but we're not sure if this internal codename will carry over to the actual next-generation iPhone. Again, this iPhone that we are describing is an internal-only unit built for testing the performance of a new chip in an iPhone, not an actual phone that Apple will produce.

If this information is true, the new iPhone would have a similar processing capability with the new iPad. This would also mean that it would have the probability of carrying other specifications of the new iPad like an improved and clearer screen resolution but the probability of having a Retina Display seems too good to be true. There is also a possibility that the new iPhone would have 4G LTE features which would give users more reliable Internet connection as compared to just relying on Wi-Fi connections.

Just like the rumors regarding the new iPad, consumers just have to take these rumors with a grain of salt because these are just rumors. These features would only be confirmed once Apple has released their new iPhone in the market. As for the release date for the new iPhone, there are rumors stating that it will come out by mid-year of 2012- the same period when previous iPhone models were released.

Regardless of the rumored features of the new iPhone, many experts are predicting that this will be the biggest launch of the company to date. Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets had the same sentiment stating "In our view, this will be the most significant iPhone upgrade with a four-inch screen and a new, sleek look that we believe will require a Unibody case. This new, sleek look will be the most important reason that consumers decide to upgrade to the iPhone 5, while we believe the addition of 4G will also attract buyers of the new device."