Director Angelina Jolie arrives to promote her film "Unbroken" in Berlin
Director Angelina Jolie arrives to promote her film "Unbroken" in Berlin November 27, 2014. Reuters/Hannibal Hanschke

Angelina Jolie shares that marriage to Brad Pitt has taken their relationship to a whole new level, even though there was no "monumental change" that took place since they have been together for nearly a decade already before the wedding. The actress also said she's thinking of having an office in London but is not looking for a house or any property yet.

After years of living with each other and raising six kids together, Angelina Jolie did not expect exchanging their official vows could change her relationship with Brad Pitt. But the paper announcing them husband and wife did change things for them—for the better. Daily Record UK reports that the Hollywood actress and director admits that being able to call Brad her husband feels "extraordinary." Their wedding might have been a spur-of-the-moment decision and participated by all their children, but it made their sense of commitment to each other and their family all the more deeper. She said getting married "does feel different" because she can be called "wife" and Brad can now be called her "husband." All these labels made them look at each other "a little differently" and warmed her in a different way. She also talked of the fateful day and how special it was, even though it was not "monumental."

"As soon as it was all over, we all just changed clothes and hung out. It was just a very happy time. It wasn't this monumental change—we were just very happy and sure, and it's quite an extraordinary feeling to be so sure. It gives you peace," she shared. Despite the leveling up of their relationship, however, the "Unbroken" director refutes reports of them house hunting, as speculated by Daily Mail UK.

The actress and director said that the thought of having an office in England did cross her mind, but as of the moment, she is not looking at anything. She does not have a house there either.

The actress just finished directing her third film "By the Sea," wherein she and Brad Pitt are the main actors. Ironically, it was about a couple experiencing wedding tumults, far from what she and Brad currently have. Still, it was not hard for them to pull the characters off, especially since "they trust each other so much," allowing them to explore the darker side of marriage easily.

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