The winter months are harsh on everyone's skin and it doesn't help when so many people think that you don't' have to modify their skin care regimen according to the seasons.

Cold weather months call for more moisturizing and less alcoholic beverage consumption. Sometimes, it may even be necessary to use different products to make sure that your skin is well equipped for the harsher climate in the days to come.

Whatever product you use though, always make sure that it's loaded with the magic word: moisturizers. Also, here are some tips to make sure you keep your face in tip top shape, whatever the weather conditions may be.

1. Do not wash your face while having a hot shower. Yes, the water is soothing and comforting against the cold weather but it also dries out your skin (and hair!) faster than you can say "dry skin." Better to leave the face washing for lukewarm water on tap.

2. It's okay to exfoliate your skin once a week, it's not okay to exfoliate with a scrub that isn't moisture infusing. Too much exfoliating can also lead to dry skin and major break outs.

3. A soap-based facial cleanser is like hot water-it feels so good on your skin (especially when washing off all that make-up) but it will wreck your natural oils. It should go without saying that these natural oils are responsible for keeping your skin smooth and well moisturized.

4. Don't forgo the sunscreen and moisturizer when applying foundation. Don't just slather it on either. Make a smooth and clear base of moisturizer and sunscreen and make sure that it's been well absorbed by your pores before putting on foundation.

5. Chemical peels can be a good idea to take off the dead cells on top of your skin-a lot of people use it to make sure that their skin is absolutely smooth in the winter months. However, should you decide to do a peel, always follow through with a good moisturizer for night and day.