5 Signs You’re A Victim Of Online Identity Theft

Identity theft is a popular issue that’s been haunting online users for years now. That’s because it’s so easy for thieves to steal one’s identity especially through the internet. You can avoid it by knowing these signs you’re a victim of online identity theft.
- You are posting stuffs in your account which you don’t know.
You’ll be surprised to have friends asking you about your posts especially if it’s something degrading or so unlike you. Or they’ll be tagged in your posts or photos which have no idea in the first place. This means someone else is doing it by using your account.
- Someone is using your pictures in their profile.
Love social media like Facebook? If you enjoy posting your daily activities and selfies, it won’t be long before identity thieves gather enough details about you and use your personal information including your pictures to trick your friends. Report the profile claiming to be you immediately so the site can deactivate the account.
- Numbers don’t add up
Aside from using social media sites, you are also prone to identity theft if you like using your credit card to purchase items online. You’ll be surprised to find out that numbers don’t seem to add up the next time you ask for a credit report. You also notice making “purchases” for items you yourself didn’t buy in the first place.
- You’re receiving calls and letters from strangers
When you register in a site, you’re often asked for your cellphone number and address. If you do this often, especially in sites that you’re not even 100 percent sure legit, chances are you’ve been giving information about yourself to scammers. Many people use others’ contact details for wrongdoings so never divulge too much information about you online.
- You can’t log into your account
One of the ways people use to steal your identity online is by hacking your accounts. The moment they change your password, you won’t be able to log into your accounts. However, friends will still receive emails from you thinking it’s you. In some instances, they would even pretend to be you and ask money because of a financial emergency.
Once you experience these signs you’re a victim of online identity theft, you have to report the case to authorities. Identity theft is rampant but you can protect yourself from it.
For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at sprevendido25ibtimes@gmail.com