'Father of Sudoku' Maki Kaji holds copies of the latest sudoku puzzles at the Book Expo, in New York, June 3, 2007.
'Father of Sudoku' Maki Kaji holds copies of the latest sudoku puzzles at the Book Expo, in New York, June 3, 2007. Reuters/Chip East

Exercises are not only needed in order to keep our body strong and healthy. Our mind also needs exercise for our brain. As we grow older, our brain functions also start to deteriorate. Seniors in particular are very prone to diseases and severe memory loss. In order to avoid this, they should regularly perform these brain exercises for seniors.

  1. Use your imagination

Did you know that you’re exercising your brain by simply imagining? Try closing your eyes for a few minutes and imagine what you’ll do the next day. Better yet, try to imagine giving your backyard it’s much needed makeover. Thinking about things and imagining them is a great exercise.

  1. Do the jigsaw

Remember the fun you had when you were a kid and you try to sort out those jigsaw puzzle pieces? Try doing that now when you’re a whole lot older and you’ll see how good it is for your brain. You’ll be practicing your analytical skill as well as sharpen your memory.

  1. Play with numbers

A game of Sudoku can do great things to your brain. This game of numbers is beneficial in keeping your brain cells sharp and alert. It is also fun especially if you spend most of the day alone in the house.

  1. Chess it

A game of chess never loses its appeal even if you play it when you’re already a senior. It is, in fact, more fun if you do it with a fellow senior. You can bring along a chess board to the park and enjoy the outdoors while exercising your brain with a challenging game of chess.

  1. Online games

Just because you’re a senior doesn’t mean you should be left out from all the fun the Computer Age has to offer. On the contrary, expose yourself to online games available on the Internet. There are many games to choose from. You’re sure to find one that suits your taste.

These brain exercises for seniors offer a lot of benefits. They’re not only healthy but also fun and relaxing.

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