A woman wearing a mask walks past a wall painted with China's national flag in central Beijing, October 9, 2014. Beijing issued a yellow alert for air pollution on Wednesday with smog forecast to continue for the next three days until Saturday, said the B
A woman wearing a mask walks past a wall painted with China's national flag in central Beijing, October 9, 2014. Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Pollution is slowly killing our world and it won’t be long before we don’t have enough clean air and water. Don’t wait for the worst to come before taking action. Do your share in saving the world with these ten little solutions against pollution you can do today.

  1. No to hairspray

Hairsprays contain chemicals that are extremely harmful to man and the environment. Use other alternatives in setting your hair instead.

  1. Pocket that candy wrapper

Are you fond of chewing gum or eating candy especially when walking outdoors? The next time you do so be sure to put the wrappers in your pocket instead of throwing them anywhere.

  1. Plant a tree

A single tree can already help prevent air pollution and erosion. Plant one in your backyard today to start cleaning the air.

  1. Sell old newspapers

Think twice before you burn those old newspapers and contribute to air pollution. Tie them in bundles and sell them to flower shops or supermarket.

  1. Bring a bag to the grocery store

Plastic is dangerous and it doesn’t decompose. Always bring a cloth bag or a used plastic bag whenever you shop.

  1. Pick up that trash

Set yourself as a good example to others by picking up trash along the way. You could be jogging one morning and come across an empty bag of chips. Pick it up and throw it in the waste can. Others who see you will follow your lead.

  1. See a mechanic

Is your car emitting too much smoke? Have a mechanic check your vehicle regularly to ensure it’s in good working condition. Old or broken parts can cause your car to use up too much fuel.

  1. Don’t smoke

Smoking is a big contributor to air pollution. Quit smoking and you will be doing the environment and yourself a great favour.

  1. Make a compost pit

Don’t burn those dry leaves, grasses, and kitchen refuse. The best thing to do is dig a compost pit in your backyard where you can throw those biodegradable wastes and turn them to organic fertilizer.

  1. Ditch the car

If you live near the office, don’t use your car. Go for healthier alternatives like walking, biking, or sharing a ride with friends or co-workers.

Take your part in saving planet Earth. Start today with these little solutions against pollution.

For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at sprevendido25ibtimes@gmail.com