Source: Youtube/Youhotnews/CNN

World War III, the Apocalypse or the End of Days may be coming to Syria as U.S. President Barack Obama was backed by the U.S. Senate in his bid to push for a military strike against the Assad regime in Syria.

The move to strike Syria passed the initial hurdle when a Senate panel voted in favour of the planned retaliation against the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons against its own people. However, despite the victory, the narrow margin of votes only showed how the United States will be acting with caution.

It was reported previously that General Ali Habib, Syria's former defence minister, has defected and left the country because of internal unrest in President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Syria claimed the report was not true.

Russia, Syria's main supporter, had warned the United States of an impending catastrophe that may cause a world war. U.S. President Obama remained at odds with Russia after making his case for a military strike against Syria. Mr Obama was expected to attend the G20 summit in Russia hosted by President Vladimir Putin on Sept 5, 2013.

The Russian president had earlier said pursuing a military action without the approval of the UN Security Council will be regarded as an act of aggression. President Putin also accused John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, of lying when he played down the presence of al Qaeda forces among the Syrian rebels.

The U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee finally approved a resolution to authorise Mr Obama to use military forces to retaliate against Syria. No political party was divided as both the Republicans and the Democrats were on the same side. The Senate's backing will clear the way for a full Senate vote to be conducted possibly a week after.

The U.S. Senate panel voted 10-7 in favour of a resolution that will give the U.S. a 60-day period to engage Syria. The committee also approved a possible 30-day extension and prohibited the use of U.S. ground forces for combat.

The Obama administration was trying to balance many Congressional views. The committee has considered the resolution amendments proposed by Senator John McCain to limit Syria's chemical weapons use and increase backing for rebel forces. This will hopefully set the momentum for President Assad's ouster from power.

Many fear that a military strike may signal the beginning of World War 3. Some doomsday believers said the U.S. will trigger an Apocalypse. Only time can tell as the move to strike will still seek the approval of the U.S. House of Representatives after the Senate vote.