Whoopi Goldberg Slams Duggars Saying Son's Molestation Cases Are 'Forgivable'

Whoopi Goldberg thinks Josh Duggar’s parents' act of asking for forgiveness is hypocritical. She said the parents should not talk about God being forgiving because they themselves do not know how to forgive others who are different from them.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar went to Fox News’ “The Kelly File” to break their silence on the controversy involving their son as well as their family’s show, “19 Kids and Counting,” after it was revealed that Josh molested five underage girls when he was 14 years old. On the show, the parents talked of their grief and claimed God can forgive their son.
Huffington Post reports that "The View’s” hosts, however, especially Whoopi Goldberg, were not sympathetic. Whoopi said the parents should not bring God into the equation. She said the family is not forgiving of people who “feel differently” than them, and should not talk about “God forgiving people” when they themselves do not have "forgiveness in their own hearts.”
Whoopi’s co-host, Nicole Wallace, echoed the former's sentiments, saying that Michelle is being a hypocrite. She said that the Duggar family matriarch had been particularly unforgiving of transponders and even said that God cannot forgive them but now she wants her son to be forgiven even though he molested “her daughters.” "When you say God will forgive my son who molested my daughters, if that's your world view, if that's how you got through it, OK," Wallace said. "But you can't say God can't forgive a transgender person.”
It can be remembered that Michelle protested a local anti-discrimination ordinance before and called transgender people “child predators.”
On their interview at “the Kelly File,” the parents of Josh did not only ask for forgiveness. They also defended their son’s behaviour by saying he was a minor himself when the molestations happened. Jim Bob said that it was a child preying on another child. Michelle said that one of their children just made “some really bad choices.”
The parents are not only ones defending Josh though. His sisters, Jill and Jessa who were the very victims of Josh, said that it is “overboard” for people to label their brother a pedophile or rapist. Jessa said she knows people will get mad at her for defending her brother but she said she could do that since she is one of the victims.
The two will be sharing more of their ordeal and opinions on a one-hour special of “The Kelly File” again, on Friday 9 PM.
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