Norman Reedus shared a sketch of Daryl Dixon riding a wrecking ball just like Miley Cyrus. He posted the picture on his Instagram page. "The Walking Dead" star Reedus is currently filming Season 5 episodes.

On August 12, Reedus posted a sketch featuring Daryl Dixon on a wrecking ball recreating "The Walking Dead" version of Cyrus' song "Wrecking Ball." In the sketch, he is naked and posing with his beloved crossbow.

It is possible that this is a fan-made sketch for Reedus. The star is known for sharing fan art on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Fans are eagerly waiting for "The Walking Dead" Season 5 episodes. Huffington Post talked to Reedus about the upcoming season of AMC's hit show.

When asked what fans can expect from "The Walking Dead" Season 5, Episode 1, Reedus mentioned that it is "huge." He stated that a lot is going on in the premiere instalment.

"There were parts of it that were amazing and I was looking at Andy [co-star Andrew Lincoln] and going, 'How are they going to put this on television? It's so gnarly'. And then he would lean over and go, "Dude, you say that about every season'."

He was also asked about the instalments that will freak out the fans. Reedus revealed there are several episodes. He told fans to grab the tissues.

"I'll be the first one to light a match. I love it. I've put a lot of effort into this character and a lot of thought, as have the writers, directors and producers. It's the role of a lifetime for me. When I hear things like, if Daryl dies we riot, it just makes me happy. I take it as a compliment and it makes me just work harder at the character. But if that goes down, I'll be passing out books of matches," said Reedus when asked about the famous slogan "If Daryl dies we riot."

"The Walking Dead" Season 5, Episode 1 airs Sunday, October 12, 2014.