Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott attends a session of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo, November 17, 2013.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has refused to apologize for spying on Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his family. He has also asked to keep 'cool heads' to get over the present diplomatic situation.

Guardian Australia and ABC revealed documents Nov. 18, showing Australia did attempt to intercept Yudhoyono's phone at least in one occasion. His phone calls were monitored for a couple of weeks in 2009, the documents noted.

Jakarta, as a response to the alleged spying of its president, has asked its ambassador to return home. It has also demanded that Canberra must show transparency while explaining the reasons behind its electronic surveillance program. Yudhoyono tweeted about how unhappy he was due to the alleged spying. He made public comments against Abbott's justification of spying as the latter argued that every government 'gather information.'

Pres. Yudhoyono's said in his tweet that the actions of Australia and the U.S. injured their strategic relation with the democratic nation of Indonesia. He also expressed his displeasure about Abbott's remark on all governments gathering information saying that the remark meant that the Aussie president was trying to argue that nothing wrong had been done by spying the Indonesian president.

Abbott has kept on arguing that every government is aware that every government gather information. He said Indonesia should not expect Australia to apologize for its actions to protect its country. He has further informed that Australia uses every possible resource for helping its allies, not for harming them.

The Aussie minister has also asserted that Australia, just like any other nation, is not going to detail what it does to protect itself. He called the surveillance 'reasonable' while he noted that Australia had 'deep respect' for Indonesia.

He called Australia's relation with Indonesia as the 'most important single relationship' the country has with another. He claimed it is not Australia's interest to do anything which may jeopardize the relation.