The picture of the teenager selling her virginity for $15,000 on the website of the escort agency MyOutCall.

An escort agency selling the virginity of a 19-year-old Chinese student of Sydney University has outraged the Australian Family Association (AFA) and the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL).

With sex industry consulting firm Brothel Busters confirming that MyOutCall Australia is offering the teenager's virginity and four days with her for $15,000, AFA is horrified and ACL is sickened.

"It is so clearly taking us back to the enslavement of people. The damage it does to society and human dignity can't be overstated," said spokesman and research head Tim Cannon, according to

"The escort service is going to profit out of a girl giving up her virginity. Quite likely she is isolated - and we are going to allow her to be exploited by it," ACL managing director Jim Wallace was quoted as saying.

In a posting on MyOutCall's website, the teenager is identified as MOC Virgin. Brothel Busters learned that anyone "buying" the girl will have to pay $2,000 in deposit and the balance after getting the escort service.

MyOutCall advertises itself as a professional adult on-call escort agency based in Greater Sydney area. It offers student, clubbing girl and professional lady escorts.

In a report by the Daily Telegraph, the escort agency's manager identified only as Duncan said the offer was genuine and common in Sydney.

Brothel Busters boss Chris Seage believes the Chinese girl needs money.

"There is a sadly recurring theme among young Asian girls who come to Australia to study and work, and get themselves into debt. It is clear she is doing this because she needs the money urgently," quoted him as saying.

It was not the first time that a student is putting her virginity up for sale online. In January 2004, then 18-year-old London student Rosie Reid offered her virginity to the highest bidder on eBay so she could pay her college bills amounting to $23,259. A deleted Wikipedia entry on Reid said a divorced 44-year old male telephone engineer bought her virginity for $13,000.