'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' spoilers: Jar Jar Binks being evil is J.J. Abrams' favorite fan theory

In the months leading to the big release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” there were plenty of amusing theories and predictions from fans. Director J.J. Abrams was particularly interested in the one suggesting that Jar JarBinks was a Sith mastermind, and the main evil in the upcoming sequel.
Abrams was at Sirius XM Town Hall on Nov. 30 and was asked about his favorite fan theory. He immediately mentioned Jar Jar Binks.
“I’m sure there are some I don’t know, but the one I heard that I think is so great is the Jar Jar is a Sith one.” said Abrams. “There was this unbelievably lengthy analysis, in a very serious thought-out way, as to why it’s obviously true that he is [evil]. That to me is remarkable.”
Lumpawarroo, a Reddit user, initially shared the concept in November 2015. He thoroughly stated how the sidekick, who first appeared in “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace,” was the main Sith lord in “The Force Awakens.” He allegedly might even turn out to be Supreme Leader Snoke.
Collegian notes that the character was actually quite agile in “The Phantom Menace,” particularly in the scene where he performed a somersault dive into the lake leading to the Gungan’s underwater city. The move would at least have required him to use the force, according to Lumpawarroo. Jar Jar was also good at dodging and fighting.
The Reddit user also cited that Jar Jar was good at martial arts and mouthed the words of other characters in the film, while waving his hand at them. These could hint that he was both adept at Sith combat styles or Jedi mind tricks. Binks reportedly also influenced the young Anakin Skywalker to eventually move to the dark side, playing a huge role in the formation of Darth Vader.
The interview at Sirius XM Town Hall was hosted by Jess Cagle, editorial director of PEOPLE and EW. It will air on Dec. 14 at 6 PM ET on EW Radio Sirius XM 105.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will launch in theaters on Dec. 18. More updates and details are expected soon.
Watch the trailers here.
Source: YouTube/Star Wars
Source: YouTube/moviemaniacsDE
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