‘Star Wars Battlefront’ Hutt Contracts, Jabba the Hutt speculated to come for free following live March update

Jabba the Hut may be coming to “Star Wars Battlefront,” if a small clue in a new trailer is to be believed. The short trailer, seen below, features the game’s updates, and tucked into the trailer are two things that may be of interest to players who are looking for more content and characters.
Polygon spotted the iconic Jabba the Hut, who still has to join “Star Wars Battlefront.” In addition, there is the Hutt Contracts, reportedly a free game update, though DICE and Electronic Arts still have to unveil what it will be. However, it seems that whatever Hutt Contracts is, it will be coming soon to the game.
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The good thing about this free game update, according to the source, is that it will not be part of the season pass. So if ever Jabba the Hut comes into “Star Wars Battlefront,” it is not yet impossible to get him without paying additional for the base game.
For now, players can still enjoy two additional updates to the game. The first is the recently announced and released March free content update. Detailed over the official “Star Wars Battlefront” forums, the March update is already live, and it brings a new map and a new mission. The new map sees Survivors of Endor added to Walker Assault, Turning Point and Supremacy. A new Survival Mission has also been added, called the Rebel Depot in Tatooine. The March update has also modified the rotation for Supremacy, Walker Assault and Turning Point, so that the Twilight on Hoth and Survivor of Endor maps will be more featured.
The second is the confirmed Outer Rim DLC. The Outer Rim will introduce two new characters, namely Greedo and Nien Nunb, both shooter players. This expansion is also set to bring in more maps and modes, like the factories of Sullust, Jabba’s throne area and a barge garage on the planet of Tatooine, Eurogamer reported.
Moreover, there will be three guns, the Relby V-10 rifle, the DT-12 blaster pistol and the Scatter Gun. Other accessory weapons include the Dioxis Grenade and the Adrenaline Stim Star Cards.
"Star Wars Battlefront" free game updates (Credit: YouTube/EAStarWars)