Recent news reports are claiming that the Android 4.0 or Android ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) update for the Samsung Galaxy S II will be pushing through for the month of March. Unfortunately, these news reports are false and many Samsung Galaxy S II users are now becoming frustrated regarding the availability of Android ICS in their devices.

Samsung previously announced that the upgrade for Android ICS to Samsung Galaxy S II will be actualized on March 19 starting in UK and eventually rolling out to other countries. Though that is the case, no update has been made available to Samsung Galaxy S II owners. Samsung addressed this issue through the company's official Facebook and Twitter page stating that:

"Samsung UK is working hard to bring Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) to our Galaxy S II customers. We are unable to confirm exact dates as the software testing and approval process is subject to several variables, but we are working as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience."

Due to the delay, many customers are now expressing their frustration regarding this matter. One example of which is a customer's experience when raising the issue with Samsung. Here is an account of what happened:

"Don't hold your breath. They told me everyone would be updated by the 24th April. Naturally, my response was that here in the UK a week consists of seven days and that they should not use the term 'week commencing'. I for one will no longer be purchasing Samsung products or Android-based phones. They're both a pile of pants!"

In response to this, Samsung released the following statement:

"I am sorry that you feel the release of the Android platform 4.0 has not been quick enough. All we can advise is that it has been released and when available for your handset you will be prompted for the update when you connect to Kies over the coming weeks."

Due to this delay, many people are speculating that the Android ICS update would be delayed up until April or worse, the Samsung Galaxy S III will officially be released in the market with latest Android OS version. The Samsung Galaxy S II is considered as one of the best smartphones released last year and the promised update to Android ICS was also one of its selling points. The continuous delay could only result to a negative reputation of Samsung.

In line with this, Samsung also announced that there will be a delay in the Android ICS update for Samsung Galaxy Note and it would be available by the second quarter of this year.