Women Fitness

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Colon Cleansing With Yoga

Colon cleansing is extremely essential in each human being's life however many of us do not even recognize it. Colon cleansing just refers to the cleaning of the large intestine. But it is not enough. The entire organ, that is, including the small intestine has to be cleaned. The colon tends to accumulate a lot of toxic materials than any other part of the body and as a result becomes thicker. Later it results in serious intestinal problems, which cannot be easily cured. The natural way of cl...

Yoga Therapy for Eating Disorder

A study published in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly reports that mind-body exercise, such as yoga, is associated with greater body satisfaction and fewer symptoms of eating disorders than traditional aerobic exercise like jogging or using cardio machines. Yoga practitioners reported less self-objectification, greater satisfaction with physical appearance, and fewer disordered eating attitudes compared to non-yoga practitioners.

Top 10 to Boost Your Willpower .... and Avoid Pitfalls

Many of us are faced with annoying challenge of sticking to our goal of losing unwanted fat, following a healthy diet and getting enough sleep. The question that crops up to our mind is -Why is our self-control so strong on some days and so weak on others?To answer that, willpower is not dependent only on psychological strength.

Facial Surgery: Tops Cosmetic Procedures in 2012

According to CNN, For the first time in six years, the number of people enhancing their breasts and plumping their buttocks is declining. The number of people opting for lift, injections and laser for faces is growing.2012 saw a record number of people undergoing cosmetic procedures, with more than 14.6 million procedures performed in total, an increase of 5% over the year before. Breast augmentation remained the number one cosmetic surgery, a position it's held since the FDA ended the silic...

What to Eat at Dinner ... and Avoid Weight Gain

Body weight is largely regulated by what goes into the stomach and more by the time when it is rendered to the body. No matter whether your goal is weight loss or management, you need to carefully watch your meals. About dinner....the earlier you eat, the better. This allows the body time to digest food properly, while you are awake and active. If you eat and go bed soon after, it does not have enough time to digest what you have eaten before resting.

Prenatal Birth Defects on Rise: Am I a Candidate?

Birth defects are the leading cause of death for infants during the first year of life. Every year, about 7.9 million infants (6% of worldwide births) are born with serious birth defects. With the causes of over 50% of birth defects unknown, it remains a challenge how to diagnose and prevent them? Although some congenital defects can be controlled and treated, an estimated 3.2 million of these children are disabled for life. The most common birth defects are heart defects, cleft lip and cleft pa...

Get Ready for Lower Body Workout

Working the lower body requires a lot of energy, but that effort is repaid with many benefits. Energetic exercise which uses the big muscles of the legs and hips speeds up your metabolic rate long after the exercise is over. Thus a combination of strength training to accentuate and define muscles, and frequent aerobic exercise to help you lose any excess fat, can dramatically improve your shape.

Teaming Up for a Partner Workout

According to a recent study, working out with a buddy could increase the effectiveness of your workout, so this Valentine's Day pick a partner to workout. The study further stated that choosing a partner who you perceives to be a better performer than you could increase your workout time and intensity by as much as 200%. According to another study by Michigan State University's Department of Kinesiology.

Yoga Asana to Avoid Piriformis Syndrome

If you are a runner, swimmer or a work-alcoholic there stands a great risk of stiffening of piliformis muscle. This muscle is located beneath the gluten (butt) muscles and laterally rotates and stabilizes the hip. The piriformis turns your thigh out and helps to stabilize your pelvis and sacrum. Located under the gluteus maximus muscle, it runs from your sacrum to your upper thigh bone. The piriformis is probably best known as the cause of piriformis syndrome. The sciatic nerve runs directly ...

Postnatal (Standing) Aqua Stretches

After pregnancy, it is necessary to realign your spine. Standing in the water allows you the maximum stretch between your hip bones and your ribs as you lift your arms above your head. Aqua yoga makes use of deep breathing in relaxed stretches that are easier and safer in water than on land. Your ligaments are still soft and should not be overstretched for at least four months after giving birth.

Health Benefits of Eating Black Grapes

Black grapes have been associated with health and nutrition for centuries and they even appear in ancient literature and works of art. The very word ‘grapes’ conjures up images of bunches of plump black grapes, the jeweled wine goblets of the ancient Romans, and the splendors of a bygone era. The nutritional value of black grapes however, has stood the test of time and in fact new research only helps to uncover more health benefits of this fruit.

Britta Heidemann is 2013 World Most Beautiful and Fit Fencer

Britta Heidemann was born on 22nd December 1982 in Cologne. She is a German épée fencer. At the age of 14, already being a successful athlete and swimmer, Britta Heidemann had her first contact with fencing in a variation of modern pentathlon called Friesenkampf. After first switching to modern pentathlon, at the end of 2000, she began to specialize in fencing.In 2001, she became épée junior world vice-champion and junior European champion. In 2002, she reached third place in the World Fencing C...

Top 10 Yoga Retreats For a Healthy Holiday

Coping with the pressure of daily routine at office and at home, women can be left panting with exhaustion. A break is needed to walk away stress. A retreat is a destination with the ideal conditions for a more profound practice of meditation.

Training Guide for Intermediates

Cardio & strength training workouts are indispensable to an effective training program and general good health. By definition, cardio workouts can be any exercise-jogging, running, biking, swimming, elliptical machine, stairs, even jumping rope-that raises and maintains your heart rate over a predetermined amount of time. Strength training on the other hand helps in building & maintaining muscle mass, it can be composed of working with dumbbells, barbells, resistance band or machines.

Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding affects 20% to 30% of all pregnancies. Up to 50% of those who bleed may go on to have a miscarriage (lose the baby). Of even more concern, however, is that about 3% of all pregnancies are ectopic in location (the fetus is not inside the uterus), and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Out of all the women who experience vaginal bleeding in the first trimester, half will have a miscarriage. But the odds of other problems are lower: ectopic pregnancy occurs in 16 out ...

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: A rare and Uncommon Medical Condition

Cerebral venus sinus thrombosis (CVST) occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses that prevents blood from draining out of the brain. As a result, blood cells may break and leak blood into the brain tissues, forming a hemorrhage. This chain of events is part of a stroke that can occur in adults and children, even in newborns and babies in the womb. A stroke can result in damage to the brain and central nervous system. A stroke is serious and requires immediate medical attentio...

Cervical Cancer and Pregnancy

Cervical cancer occurring coincident with pregnancy is, fortunately, quite rare, probably less than 1 in 10,000 pregnancies.Pregnancy and cervical cancer can be categorized under two categories for a better understanding.

Top 10 Stretching Exercises for a Chilling Winter Workout

Warm up and stretching is significantly important before a workout and more so during the winter, to avoid muscle stress and strain. The cold weather makes muscles tighter and less supple, leaving them vulnerable to injury. A proper stretching routine will warm up the muscles. Adding 10 minutes to your workout stretching routine will warm up your muscles to protect them during the cold weather.

Top Celebrities Fitness Mantra Quotes 2012

There is the sense of 'awe' and 'wow' whenever we see them live or in their pictures. They are the top female celebrities in the world of entertainment, movies, cinema, modelling and music. In the course of time they gave interviews to online websites, newspapers and magazines, where they revealed their diet and fitness routines. Women Fitness brings to you a collection of such fitness quotes from them to quench or views informational thirst.

Body Weight Training: A Top Fitness Option for 2013

According to a survey submitted by The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Body weight training is at number three position in Top Fitness Trend for 2013. Body weight training has become increasing popular with “at home” exercisers and folks “on the road.” Also because, it's affordable (no equipment to purchase), speeds up the workout time (no equipment to adjust), and doesn’t require much space.

Top 10 Heartburn-Friendly Party Snacks

Nearly 40 percent of Americans have heartburn at least once a month, according to the American College of Gastroenterology. Heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach moves backwards from the stomach, up into the esophagus. One of the biggest heartburn triggers is overeating. With celebrations round the corner note, Big meals spell big trouble. The solution? Eat small meals and snack in between. That way you won't get too hungry, and will less likely overeat.

2012 Top 10 Hottest Women Who Came in Our Dreams

Everyone has dreams. Everyone dreams of the beautiful women. This year in 2012 women and men alike dreamt of women they adored the most or wished in their inner conscious who made it to their dreams. Women Fitness after interviewing a number of its visitors and Internet surfing data analysis led to the final selection of "2012 Top 10 women in the world who came in one's dreams". The women who made to this list are from Australia, Russia, South Africa, Canada, Colombia and USA. But they ...

Top 10 Most Beautiful Women Swimmers in the World

Women Fitness has just selected the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women Swimmers in the World. These women are actually like fish in water, but because of their beauty and perfect ten bodies they put the water they swim in on fire.

Recovering After Caesarean Birth

If you have had caesarean section, you will be very aware of the discomfort of the incision, not to mention the difficulties of getting in and out of bed, moving around and finding a comfortable position for breastfeeding. However, it will probably encourage you to know that gentle exercise can help speed your recovery.

Top 10 Tips to Avoid Ingesting BPA the Hormone Disrupter

A recent study found children and teens exposed to high levels of bisphenol A, or BPA, were more likely to be obese. According to the study author Dr. Leonardo Trasande, an associate professor of pediatrics and environmental medicine at the NYU School of Medicine" While over 92 percent of the study subjects had detectable levels of BPA in their urine, those with the highest levels were 2.6 times more likely to be obese than those with the lowest levels, even after controlling for diet and ex...

Top 10 Everyday Must-do Stretches

According to Dr. David Musnick and Mark Pierce, A.T.C. (in their book "Conditioning for Outdoor Fitness"), "The goal of stretching is to lengthen a muscle and move the corresponding joints through the full range of motion, thereby allowing both the contractile (muscle and tendon) and the non contractile (ligament and joint capsule) structures to lengthen."

Top 10 Asanas to Combat Fibromyalgia Symptoms

A medical disorder common, especially among women aged 20 to 50. Individuals affected by the disease experience long-term, widespread pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues- that's Fibromyalgia. Three to five percent of the population suffers with this condition with over 80% being women. With regular yoga practice, pain was reduced by an average of 24 percent, fatigue by 30 percent and depression by 42 percent. Symptoms of fibromyalgia

Gift Ideas for Spreading Breast Cancer Awareness

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, this year nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die from the disease. Halloween is scary, but breast cancer is deadly! Since breast cancer awareness month is October and Halloween is right around the corner, WF brings you gift ideas to spread breast Cancer Awareness.
