Women Fitness

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Cute Hairstyles for Curly Hair

Before you go on to read - decide that curly hair is not a curse. Curls are sexy and romantic, and men love them. They are bouncy, voluminous and can be pulled into any hairstyle imaginable. Once you have your curls looking their best, you'll be amazed at all the compliments you'll get. They denote fun, creativity and openness.

Understanding the Weight Reduction Potential of Yoga

Putting on weight, is mainly due to result of heredity or a change in our lifestyle that is conducive to storing energy (calories) in the form of fat tissue or heredity. These changes can include moving from an active lifestyle to a more sedentary one, changes in diet, increased consumption of fats, sugars and other foodstuffs that contain 'empty calories'. Other changes may be a disease or an accident that makes us reduce our activity, but we continue eating as if we were as healthy and a...

Functional Foods and Obesity

Foods can be regarded as functional if proven to affect beneficially one or more target functions in the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects, in a way relevant to improved state of health and well-being, reduction of risk of diseases, or both. Research is now showing it's possible to promote health and wellness using foods and beverages that influence angiogenesis.

Botox for Foot Wounds

It's been used for wrinkles, muscle spasms and even Tourette syndrome. Now Botox may now save limbs from amputation.

Yoga Asanas for Addiction Recovery

Addiction can be of different forms: alcohol addiction, drug addiction, eating disorders, gambling addiction, sex addiction, smoking addiction, to mention a few. Besides, addiction is a symptom and can be treated. By uncovering the underlying causes and taking action, one can move from the darkness to light. Light backbends bring about an opening in the chest and solar plexus area, encouraging the elimination of stored hurts (both real and perceived).

Pregnancy and Your Feet

Weight gain and water retention during pregnancy cause significant physical changes that often lead to foot discomfort. Alteration in center of gravity due to weight gain can add pressure to the knees and feet. Posture and alignment can shift, and everyday movements like lifting, sitting, standing, and walking can be affected.

Exercises to Lose Baby Weight, Fast

In today's fast paced world, all moms want to get back to their pre-pregnancy shape (especially, the belly) once the baby is delivered. Begin with a walking routine while pushing the baby stroller -- it's one of the best ways to burn more fat in less time. If you're just starting out, stick to shorter durations for the first two weeks, then gradually increase the time.

Teenager Workout: What Should it Look Like?

An adolescent is an interesting category of the population because they are biologically growing and are still considered minors legally. Obesity is a health concern that had become an epidemic in America, and it cannot be overlooked. The most unfortunate indicator in examining adolescent obesity is that obese teenagers are 70% prone to becoming obese adults. Childhood obesity rates have also exploded in England and Wales, sending thousands children to hospitals for problems such as asthma, diab...

Lifesaver on Weight Loss Hurdles

We all have days like this when our motivation is low and our need to overeat or be a couch potato takes over. But it's best to bust those excuses before they become a well worn mantra of failure. Cultivating true resilience is a lifelong process.

Capoeira Workout for a Toned Belly

This Afro-Brazilian martial art was created in the form of a dance, in an effort to disguise its martial art application. Capoeira is performed to music, and features acrobatic moves that secretly double as defensive and offensive moves. These Brazilian ab exercises are designed to target every muscle in your core to achieve a flat, toned belly.

Yoga Moves for Improved Proprioception

Proprioception is the body’s ability to transmit a sense of position, analyze that information and react (consciously or unconsciously) to the stimulation with the proper movement. There are three systems in the body that contribute to the function of balance: the visual system, the vestibular system and the proprioceptive system. The proprioceptive system is composed of sensory receptors in the muscles and tendons that inform the central nervous system as to the varying lengths of muscles, as...

Healing Your Muscles

When the sensation and condition of our muscles change, this is due to physiological changes within the circulatory and nervous system in our body These systems are very sensitive and are designed to respond instantly to any changes imposed on the body, internal or external Since they consist of blood vessels and nerves which are everywhere in the body we can get to them and have an impact on them by working for the outside, as well as by working with processes within the body.

Food Craving: Understanding Body Signals

Food cravings mean that the body has its signals mixed up. When we are exhausted or blue, we have low blood sugar and/or low serotonin, and the body signals the brain that it needs a pick-me-up.

Top 10 Yoga Poses to Heat Up Your Sex Life

If you're a woman in your 40's or early 50's, you're probably experiencing some degree of peri-menopause symptoms- one of them being, low sex drive. Having problem with remaining focused, might leave sex boring or unemotional.

Yoga for Healthy Blood Pressure

According to new study, presented May 15th at the annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, in San Francisco, the ancient practice of yoga can fight high blood pressure, or hypertension.

Getting Back in shape: Rebuilding the Foundation

After delivery of a baby, your abdominal muscles will be sore for a while. They will work and function normally; however, they will get sore more easily. This is expected. These are growth pains as your muscles build back up to their normal size and strength. So you need to slowly return to your normal exercise routine.

Dietary Management of Backache

Damage to spinal discs, pressure on nerves, misalignment or inflammation of joints, damaged ligaments, or diseased vertebrae can all lead to backache. Other common causes include pregnancy, a bad sitting posture, a bed which does not support your body correctly, a job which involves lifting heavy objects, or suddenly taking up a new sporting activity. A good chiropractor or osteopath should be able to cure most forms of backache, but in the long term a healthy diet may prevent it occurring in th...

Diet Slimming Perfume: The Latest in Weight Loss

According to Vee Koppelman, founder of beauty supplies site VZ Hair, "Diet Slimming Perfume is a fantastic new product for dieters and those keen to lose a few pounds before baring all on the beach or at a summer wedding."

Yoga Healing for Tennis Elbow

Yoga Healing for Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow is typically brought on by repetitive motion, overuse, or a direct injury. If you feel a slight twinge at the outside portion of the upper arm, near the elbow, for this could be sign of tennis elbow or tendinitis of the lateral epicondyle. This condition is caused by continual small strains and microscopic tears of tissue near the elbow, resulting in inflammation and pain. Specifically, the tendon and muscles (especially the extensor carpi redialis mu...

Top 10 Pregnancy Beauty Products

Any material placed on the skin has the potential to be absorbed into the bloodstream and may be able to cross the placenta. So women need to be cautious before choosing or rather using products from the media friendly market. In case you're unsure what's safe, take specific products to your doctor for analysis.

Exercises to fight Cellulite

Cellulite is the lumpy substance resembling cottage cheese that is commonly found on the thighs, stomach, and butt. Cellulite is actually a fancy name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person's skin, which causes the surface of the skin to dimple or pucker and look lumpy.

Yoga Therapy in Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, one of the most serious mental disorder ranks among the top ten causes of disease-related burden in the age group of 15-44 globally.Symptoms related to schizophrenia are generally classified into positive (delusions, hallucinations and formal thought disorder) and negative (amotivation, anhedonia, emotional blunting and poor insight).

Top 10 Exercises to Rev Up Your Metabolism During Vacation

Metabolism describes the complex processes that regulate how we convert food into energy. As known to us energy output increases during exercise, exercise also speeds up the metabolic rate at which we burn off calories for up to 24 hours after activity. Exercise increases the amount of muscle mass in the body, and the more muscle mass you have the more calories you use up.

Relaxation Drinks

A relaxation drink is a non-alcoholic beverage containing calming ingredients which may be found in nature. It is a functional beverage which is similar to calming tea but unlike calming tea, it may contain more than one active ingredient. Relaxation drinks are also served chilled and may be carbonated.

Tips to Prevent Unwanted Weight Gain with Insulin Therapy

Why do patients gain a significant amount of weight when on insulin therapy? Several proposed theories include decreased glycosuria due to improved glycemic control, the anabolic effects of insulin itself, decreased metabolic rate, aggressive treatment of hypoglycemia, and defensive eating to prevent hypoglycemia or deal with the fear of hypoglycemia.

The Foot: understanding zones and reflexes

According to reflexologists, the health and condition of the body can be read from the hands and feet. By massaging certain reflex points on these extremities, therapists believe that it is possible to improve the health of every organ and body system and, therefore, to encourage the body to work more efficiently. Like the Eastern therapies of acupressure, acupuncture and shiatsu, reflexology works on the theory that health depends on the flow of energy within the body. In the eastern therapies...

Exercises to Cross-train and Stay Socially Active

Keep in mind, variety is the spice of life, so enjoy rock climbing, Rollerblading, cycling, hiking, jogging, or skiing with friends, which are excellent ways to stay socially active and keep the body fit.

Sara Blakely: Inspirational Life of World's Youngest self-made Female Billionaire

Sara Blakely was born on February 21, 1971. She is an American businesswoman and founder of Spanx, a multi-million dollar undergarment company. She is the world's youngest self-made female billionaire. In 2012, she was named in Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world assembled by Time. In 2008, Blakely married former American rapper Jesse Itzler. The couple were married at in a Jewish ceremony at the Gasparilla Inn and Club in Boca Grande, Florida. The wedding...
