Katrina Dianne Gimenez

31-60 (out of 79)

Tips and Tricks in Getting a Good Photo with Your Nokia Lumia 1020

If you bought a Nokia Lumia 1020, you must be after its superb 41 MP camera. Lumia 1020 does not impress as a phone, but, it has one of the best camera unit among the smartphones as of yet. However, what good is a 41 MP camera unit if you can’t take good photos with it?

China Turns Bitcoin into Digital Monopoly Money

Bitcoins plunged to $625 in value as China bans the virtual money on real world use. Its price dropped by $200 when Zhou Jinhuang, People’s Bank of China’s deputy director of payment clearance, told third party payment providers that “they can no longer work with Bitcoin exchanges,” Forbes reported.

Brazil No Intention Of Giving Snowden Asylum

Despite Edward Snowden's offer to help in the investigation of the U.S. government's alleged spying on Brazil and its people, the Brazilian government has no plans of granting the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor asylum.

How to Fix Nokia Lumia 1020’s Random Reboots

Have you been experiencing random reboots on your Nokia Lumia 1020? Some owners had run into the same issues with their phone. Sometimes, the phone freezes or becomes unresponsive or it restarts itself. There is a possibility that the random rebooting is due to specific apps or services.

LG G2 vs Lenovo Vibe X: Which has Better Specs?

LG and Lenovo are both struggling in the smartphone race. This year 2013, LG released its flagship G2 and Lenovo presented Vibe X in answer to Samsung S4, Sony Xperia Z1, HTC One, and iPhone 5s. Which of the two has a better chance at snagging the best smartphone title of the year?

Is LG G2 Better than Samsung Galaxy S4?

In answer to the ever growing smarter phones, LG released its flagship LG G2 to run at par with the likes of Samsung S4. The question now is, does LG G2 have what it takes to race with the current flagships?

HTC One vs. Nokia Lumia 1020: Which is a Better Smartphone?

It had been a difficult year for both HTC and Nokia as Apple and Samsung took the lead on the best smartphone manufacturer. But the two tech companies had proven the world that it can still win the race with HTC One and Nokia Lumia 1020.

Does an iPhone Need Undies?

If you’re feeling naughty this Christmas, or your Kris Kringle demands “something” naughty, then Smart Pants iPhone underwear is the perfect gift.
