Katrina Dianne Gimenez

61-90 (out of 79)

Must-have Apps For Your Smartphone

What’s the use of a sleek-and-smart phone without apps to either help ease your boredom or make your life easier? Here are some of the best apps of 2013 from T3.

Best Gadgets To Buy For Christmas

Are you preparing a shopping list for Christmas? Here are some of the best gadgets of 2013 that may want to consider when buying a Christmas gift for your loved-ones.

10 Tech Things That Give You Headaches

When you buy a new gadget, you may be excited to try it out. That is until you read the manual and found that the manufacturer is giving very complicated instruction. Here are 10 tech things that surely will give you a headache as cited by T3.

Comet Ison: How To Get A Good Photograph

Comet Ison will be passing through the sun's corona Nov. 28 and set to be visible to the naked eye Dec. 3. This is a very rare occurrence as many comets pass through the solar system but only a few grazes the corona.
