Pool peeing connected to serious health risks, may result in asthma and other respiratory problems

The American Chemical Society has uploaded a video on their “Reactions” YouTube channel informing public how peeing in the pool can expose people to major health risks. Taking a leak while frolicking in the swimming pool is not only disgusting but also harmful.
The scientific reason behind not peeing in the pool is that chlorine, that is used to treat water infections, reacts with urine and becomes a major health hazard for people inside. Pools are perfect breeding grounds for salmonella and E.coli microorganisms. Chlorine along with other chemicals and disinfectants is used to get rid of these microorganisms.
When someone urinates inside a swimming pool, the urine mixes and reacts with the chlorine to create a by-product that has serious negative health effects. Chlorine also reacts with dirt, human sweat and even body lotions and cosmetics. The by-products created as a result of reacting with chlorine, known as Disinfection By-products (DBPs), results in burning and itchy eyes.
Peeing in a pool can also result into severe respiratory problems including asthma. Purdue University researchers in the US have estimated that pools can contain as much as 30-80 millilitres of urine per person.
The pool smell that is often thought of being caused by chlorine is in fact chlorine mixing with urea, a chemical found in urine, writes New York Post. The reaction results in trichloramine formation. It is this compound that causes various health problems in people using the pool.
Thus, it is good practice to release oneself in the washroom before jumping into the pool. Taking a shower is a must too. The video explains that half the DBPs inside a pool are caused due to people urinating in the water.
Watch the “Reactions” video here.
Source: YouTube/Reactions