The York Regional Police and a young man from Ontario, Canada, became instant social media celebrities when the latter tweeted a call out to weed dealers to sell him weeds at his workplace. Unfortunately, it was authorities who first responded to his tweet asking if they could join him.

The man, identified as Sunith Baheerathan,works as a mechanic for Mr Lube and is believed to be a stoner. The police retweeted his message to reach the shop owner's attention.

When Baheerathan realised what he just did, he said tweeted back suggesting that he was just joking around.

The whole Twitter exchange quickly escalated retweeting the York Regional Police 1,300 times.

The legalisation of marijuana in Ottawa became hot topic in July when Federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau revealed that he's in favour of legalising the weed.

His revelation received various reaction from Ottawans. One supporter is hoping that the smell of marijuana will replace the smell of cigarette smoke once it becomes legalised.

On the other hand, one parent who is against its legalisation said that she doesn't want to let her children think that pot is okay while they are growing up.

However, Mr Trudeau believes that legalizsing weed is the only way for children to keep out of drugs. He further promoted his advocacy via Twitter, reminding its citizens that the "Liberals across Canada came together to support legalizing marijuana in 2012 because the status quo is unsafe and costly. #cdnpoli"

The liberal leader was referring to a resolution passed at the Liberal convention in January 2012, CTV News reported.

Meanwhile, it is not yet known whether the issue will be part of the Liberals' platform for the 2015 election.