Plants vs Zombies heroes devin 2
Mushroom Mania Ranked Play | Plants vs. Zombies Heroes | Live From PopCap YouTube/Plantsvs.Zombies

"Plants vs Zombies Heroes" game designer Devin Low showed off how the cards work in a video posted on Youtube on Wednesday.

In the game that took almost 9 minutes, he earned the Mushroom Madness quest and earned two stars for the bronze league. He started the game with cards, including Whack-a-Zombie, Shroom for Two, Wild Berry and Berry Blast.

He encountered zombies inclulding the Dog Walker, Disco Zombie, Zookeper and Foot Soldier Zombie. He counter-attacked them by using the starting cards plus the cards he earned, including the Fume-Shroom, Bloomerang, Poison Oak, Punish-Shroom, Pine Clone and Cherry Bomb.

Here are the profiles of the plants and tricks used in the game.


Shroom for Two is a basic common plant card. It has one strength, one health and it cost one sun. When played on a lane without plants, it will summon a Puff-Shroom with a Team-up trait in front of it.

Bloomerang for Two is also a basic common plant card. It has three strength, three health and it cost four suns. It does not have any abilities but it has the Strikethrough trait.

Poison Oak is a premium rare plant card. It has four strength, five health and it cost six sun.It does not have any abilities but it has an Anti-Hero 5 trait.

Punish-Shroom is a premium rare plant card. It has two strength, two health and it cost three sun. It does two damage to a zombie hero or a random zombie when a mushroom plant is destroyed.

Pine Clone is a premium super rare plant card. It has three strength, three health and it cost four sun. When played, it transforms other plants into identical pine clone with the same number of strengths and health.

Fume-Shroom for Two is a premium uncommon plant card. It has two strength, one health and it cost two sun. It shoots piercing fumes that hits zombies in its lane and the opposing hero.

Wild Berry is another premium uncommon plant card. It has four strength, one health and it cost two sun. It has the ability to move to a random lane.


Whack-a-Zombie d estroys a selected zombies with three or less strength and it cost three sun. It is the counterpart of the zombie Rolling Stone.

Cherry Bomb cost six sun to play. When played, it deals four damage to all zombies in its lane and next door.

Watch the video: