'Outlander' season 4: Cast and crew endure the cold

It’s pretty cold on the production set of “Outlander” season 4. The cast and crew of the TV series are forced to endure the harsh weather because they have a schedule to keep. Co-executive Producer Maril Davis has thanked the team for their efforts.
Davis recently returned to Scotland to visit the set. In her famous “heard on the set” routine, the producer chose to highlight the cold weather rather than tease one of the lines from the script that fans look forward to.
"It's fricken cold," someone said on the production set (see below). Davis personally gave a shoutout to the cast and crew for being “troopers” in this “miserable weather.”
Dealing with the unpredictable and sometimes harsh weather in Scotland is not new to the team. Viewers may have seen a few photos of Sam Heughan (Jamie) wrapped in a blanket and stealing a quick nap in between takes.
A few sympathetic fans asked Davis why they can’t film in summer in Scotland, a time when shoots are relatively easier. The producer explained that they have to film for at least 10 months to complete each season; that means hitting rough weather conditions at some point during filming. The show has a tight schedule before post-production, as is important to make sure the series airs on time.
Davis added that summer in Scotland is like hunting for the Sasquatch. Both are something that one hears about but never sees in reality.
Heard on set today "It's fricken cold" Shout out to our cast and crew for being troopers in this miserable weather today #sleet #snow #rain #wind @Outlander_STARZ
— Maril Davis (@TallShipProds) April 4, 2018
It's inevitable we'll hit bad weather as we film for ten months. And unfortunately we can't start and stop or we wouldn't make our post production schedule
— Maril Davis (@TallShipProds) April 4, 2018
Summer in Scotland is like Sasquatch. There are rumours it exists but I've never seen it... https://t.co/jm6bsVYBzC
— Maril Davis (@TallShipProds) April 4, 2018