'Outlander' season 3: There's a secret message hidden in Jamie’s shop sign

There are hidden symbols on the signboard of Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) print shop featured in episode 5 of “Outlander” season 3. Some of the fans may have noticed the different symbols, but for those who weren’t able to decipher them, here’s a compilation.
The Print Shop Scene is arguably the most vital on the show this year. Recognising the importance of it, the producers promoted it for a long time. Many of the events related to the show included an old-fashioned working printing press. There was a replica of the signboard used in the scene, too.
Jamie’s little print shop runs under the name Alexander Malcolm. Fans can only imagine Claire’s (Caitriona Balfe) emotional state when she first saw the sign. While the TV series only gave a brief glimpse of the board, fans have been seeing it for a long time, thanks to past promotions and this specific scene.
So what are the symbols on the signboard? For starters, there are the unmistakable letters “J” and “C,” which obviously stand for Jamie and Claire, respectively. A picture of the sign highlighting these letters has been posted on Twitter.
There are four other important symbols. A picture posted on Facebook highlights all these. The symbol at the top left is the astrological symbol for the planet Jupiter, and the symbol on the top-right corner is the astrological symbol for the planet Saturn. The symbol in between “J” and “C” is that of Venus.
The big symbol in the middle is the name of the print shop owner. There’s the large “A” on top, and the letter “M” is part of this symbol, which stands for Alexander Malcolm.