No Man's Sky limited edition
Hello Games is offering the limited edition of "No Man's Sky," which comes with a comic book, artbook and more. Hello Games

“No Man’s Sky” continues to baffle players when it comes to what exactly gamers should expect with it. In a nutshell, it has been described as a space exploration title boasting 18 quintillion planets waiting to be explored.

That’s a lot of planets, a feat that would be very impressive if developer Hello Games manages to pull it off flawlessly. With the release date still slated for June 21, the developer is tiding players over with bits and pieces of what can be expected.

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In a new PlayStation Blog entry, the developer touched on surviving in a cold planet, which is just one of the explorable areas in “No Man’s Sky.” According to the developer, one of the planets not only have winter all year long, but also cat-like residents whom players can approach.

This is just one of the flavours of the universe in the game. As the developer has dubbed it, “No Man’s Sky” boasts the idea of freedom in the game. But at the same time, there is also the challenge of survival. As with any journey, this is expected, especially when players have several very different and poignant planets, inhabitants and environments to explore.

Part of the overall survival would be covering the basics—building shelter and finding resources to tide players until the next planet to go to. What “No Man’s Sky” basically promises is the ability to find things for crafting, craft using these materials and use them to survive longer in the adventure. There is one key thing to remember: it’s an ecosystem that does not have anyone at the centre.

“Steal too much from a planet and the omnipresent sentinels—stewards from a bygone era—remove you from the world. Forcefully,” said

As mentioned before, there will be a lot of alien races going about in the different planets. Each with its own language and culture, “No Man’s Sky” adds an extra layer of adventure, which involves communicating with these inhabitants and faring well (or worse) with them, depending on one’s actions.

Even with all of these, however, not a lot is known about “No Man’s Sky.” This may be the developer’s closest attempt to providing a near-infinite game for exploration, and The Verge even dubbed it as the most ambitious game to date way back in 2014, before more details were revealed. At the rate the revealed details are going, there is already a high amount of expectation from gamers, which hopefully will be fulfilled when the game launches.

In related news, IGN has spotted an ongoing deal for “No Man’s Sky.” The Limited Edition for Hello Games’ title is already back in Amazon. For Amazon Prime subscribers, these limited editions are currently sold with a 20 percent discount.

The developer previously announced the limited edition via its official website. There is also a higher priced Explorer’s Edition, which features a replica of the ship that players will be journeying in.

"No Man's Sky" what's known so far (Credit: YouTube/PlayStation Access)