Over 100 cannabis (or marijuana) plants were found to be grown hydroponically at a home located in Kingsland Road, Bexley in Sydney.

The discovery of what was inside the house happened on Tuesday evening. The time was around 11 pm according to the report by the AAP.

The police arrested the 31 year old male owner in the early morning of the following day, at a time when he came home. That was about 1:30 am.

The man was brought to the St. George Police station but no official charges have been made as of press time.

The plants meant to be used as psychoactive drugs were hidden in several rooms of the house.

Marijuana plants also have medicinal purposes thought they gain a notorious reputation as the most popular illegal substance.

Other illicit drugs besides marijuana include cocaine, heroin and LSD.

To grow plants hydroponically means tending them using a nutrient solution as opposed to planting them on soil.