A woman works in an office
A woman works in an office in this undated file photo. Reuters

Establishing a good relationship with your boss can be challenging, especially when everyone else is aiming for the same goal. It is important to strike the balance between being productive and not being tagged as a suck-up. Here are some tips on how to get your boss to notice you without being hated by your colleagues.

1. Find solutions

Your boss is constantly looking for reliable individuals who can come up with sound solutions during moments of intense pressure. They will appreciate you for having the proper attitude as well as the right abilities that will help ease tension during critical phases of business operations. If you can find solutions to various issues, even your colleagues will appreciate you for the efforts, at the same time you garner commendations from your boss.

2. Be a team player

Work with different personalities and establish yourself as a leader in various projects. Your boss will notice your efforts and ability to merge with different people. If you can show your leadership skills and people give you respect when handling different tasks, you will discover how to get your boss to notice you without the risk of being a suck-up.

3. Provide updates

Your boss and coworkers will find it very helpful if you regularly provide them with updates on your progress. When doing different tasks in the office, updating your boss on developments as well as providing quick information on matters that can affect the business will be useful for everyone involved. It is a sign of having good communication skills, which will work well for both your superiors and colleagues.

4. Exert 100% effort

Regardless of the people, circumstances and toughness of the task, you should give full effort in everything. Show people that you are willing to give maximum effort to accomplish objectives, instead of merely trying to look good when your boss is around. If you work hard, good results will naturally follow and you will see how to get your boss to notice you. One study published on NDTV showed that simple approaches like coming to work early will help you get noticed.

5. Dress like your boss

In a study reported on the Daily Mail, people who dress well are easily noticed by their superiors. It shows that you belong in the same level and they can relate better with you. It is needless to say, of course, that dressing LIKE your boss is not the same as mimicking him or her (which can get creepy).

Following these tips on how to get your boss to notice you will get you out of the wallflower status, stat.