
Google Glass has a new app which aims to help improve the sex lives of couples. The Sex with Glass app was specifically designed to enhance the user's experience while engaged in coitus.

The app, among others, records the sexual activity and provides the livestream to the partner, turns down the lights and increase music volume via voice command and even suggests sexual positions.

That would make the new app a high-tech version of Kamasutra, considered the bible for sex positions.

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However, the danger of someone else using the Google Glass later and being scandalised by the sex videos is small because it automatically erases the video after five hours.

To start recording their sex sessions, all the wearer has to say is "OK, Glass." To stop seeing what their partner sees, the command is "OK, Glass, pull out." For new sexual positions, the wearer must say, "OK, Glass, give me ideas."

The app was developed by Sherif Maktabi, a Lebanese product design student at the Central Saint Martins Art College in London.

The app could be linked with an iPhone through another app called Glance which would allow to view the same images from any angle.

The app is not available to the public yet, but when it goes on sale, it would cost $1,500 for a pair.

However, the bigger question aside from the high cost of the app is how many couples would like to wear Google Glass while making love?