There is nothing that can stop Facebook in providing different applications and helpful services to its avid fans. Recently, the management of the leading social media site had created changes and upgrades to the site. Some people loved it, while others don’t.

But if there are things that people would really appreciate, one of them will surely be the social media site’s applications. Facebook is one of the biggest social media sites that supports applications and games. Aside from entertainment and business, Facebook also supports health applications.


Fit-ify can be used to log exercises and set fitness goals. You can easily log in your exercises and see the progress. The first thing to do is to log your main information such as your height and weight to help the application in analyzing the right program for you.

Starting with your current weight, Fit-ify can be used to set weight loss goals like maintaining a steady weight and making sure that you are within the boundaries of a healthy BMI. Exercise routines can also be recoded like yoga, biking, and many more. Goals can be set as weekly, daily, or even monthly. When goals are reached, Fit-ify also offers awards for motivation.

Facebook users are now discovering the main functions of Fit-ify. Some of them are still confused on how to use the application though. “Fit-ify is a great idea but I have some initial feedback I'd like to share. SImplicity is great, but there should be an about tab within the application to allow you to know what Fit-ify is about. “says Andy Donnan, a user of this application. Though the application existed quite long enough, the developer still needs to improve its functionalities.

If you want to give it a try, check it out here:


Aside from this weight loss application, another great Facebook health application is MapMyRun. Outgoing people who consider running, biking, walking, and jogging as ways to maintain their optimum level of wellness will surely benefit from this application. The main function is to instantly choose the best route for your exercise.

All you need to do is to encode your location and the application will find the best route for your exercise routine. It includes traffic free places, scenic, country roads, and residential areas. If you want to suggest a new route, you can instantly submit the information to the developers. If you are interested in trying out this application, try it out here:

A lot of users are finding it fun and beneficial. “" I love it! I can map out my runs... I can track my pace... I can see the elevation on my routes... I can see the total distance I have ran since I started running... AND It's free!!!!” says Trina Richards, a user who gave the application a 5 star review.


When it comes to reaching goals, MyCountdown can be your guide. It is a goal management application specifically made for those who are having problems in meeting their fitness goals. For instance, you can use the application if you want to accomplish something that can help you in boosting your health like 1000 push-ups per week. The process of choosing your theme and pictures on your countdown can be fun and enjoyable.

Yoga Poses

If you are a yoga fan and you want to relax your mind and body but you do not have time to attend a yoga class, then this application is for you. Yoga Poses is a Facebook application that can guide you through different Yoga stances. It has different step by steps on how to use it and even some information about the pose.

Beginners will be familiar with different poses and how they can be done. The steps are direct to the point and easy to follow. There are also some benefits, functions, and other details written for each and every yoga stunt.