To protect her from future rampages of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the brothers of Councillor Pam McConneell are planning to provide her more protection such as a helmet. The added measure is in response to their elderly and diminutive politician sister suffering a fat lip on Monday after the mayor hit her while trying to protect his brother engaged in verbal tussle with the council audience.

The female councillor described the accidental his as like being sacked by a raging bull.

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"He just basically mowed me down, I have no idea what was on his mind, it was quite befuddling to me ... I felt like and it looked like a raging bull and I don't know quite what that was about but it was certainly someone that was out of control," Ms McConnell told media.

Despite his rude action, Mr Ford defended his leadership in a radio programme after the Toronto City Council removed most of his powers on Monday, which was marred by the shouting match involving the mayor and his brother on one side, and spectators on the other side.

"I'm embarrassed. Not just myself ... My family, my friends, my supporters. I take full responsibility for that. We've all made mistakes. I'm not perfect. Maybe you are, maybe other people are. I've made mistakes. I've admitted to my mistakes," Mr Ford told radio host Matt Lauer, quoted by TV Guide.

The mayor insisted that his 2.7 million constituents are even lucky since he gets impaired on the job on a few times. He said his drunken stupor, caught on video while smoking cocaine, happened only a few times.

But even his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, admitted worrying over the mayor's weight issues and alcohol intake. "If you want to call it binge drinking, and I hear about it, yeah, it's concerning. Do I know, on a personal side, has Rob been 100 percent honest? No, he hasn't," the councillor said.

But the mayor only admits to weight problems and stressed he has no substance abuse problems. "All I can say is actions speak louder than words. I invite you to come back. Give me five or six months and if they don't see a difference, I'll eat my words," the mayor told the radio host.