Facebook, the popular social networking site recently made changes in terms of email addresses of users. This change made users angry and protests regarding this change was widespread among Facebook users.

Facebook users noticed that the email addresses that they were using for their Facebook account was suddenly changed to an email address with a "Facebook.com" address. The sudden change made Facebook users angry as there was no consultation done between Facebook and its million of users. Some people even consider this a business move for Facebook thus dubbing it as a "Gmail Killer". Aside from changing it without the consultation with Facebook users, there are people who raised the question of security as regards to the new email account that no one asked for.

Facebook has responded to these accusations by releasing a statement addressing this issue. Jillian Stefanki, a spokesperson for Facebook remarked that Facebook officials have warned users that they will be making changes in the email addresses of Facebook users starting April and it was not until now that the change became evident to Facebook users. Here is an excerpt from Facebook's official statement:

"Ever since the launch of Timeline, people have had the ability to control what posts they want to show or hide on their own timelines, and today we're extending that to other information they post, starting with the Facebook address."

Facebook users who want to change their email addresses could do so by selecting "about" section of their profiles, go to "contact info" and then choose "edit". After doing that, Facebook users could select which email addresses they want to appear on their timelines as well as the people who can view it.

Do you think Facebook was right in their decision not to inform Facebook users about this email address change?