Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
The Internet Pioneer answered various questions in an open session. Reuters/Robert Galbraith

As a manager, you should not only aim to impress your superior but the very team that follows you. It is essential to know the key characteristics that staff appreciate so you can also develop your own methods and skills to increase efficiency in the workplace.

1. Good communication skills

In a study by Ken Blanchard Companies, staff appreciate the way you communicate with them. Speaking in a language that they understand as well as communicating your expectations and plans effectively will boost productivity in the office. Many times, companies fail to meet targets because of miscommunication. Regularly meeting with your staff and knowing their needs will also boost communications and improve professional relationships.

2. Self-control

Being impulsive or losing your temper constantly can be stressful to your staff. Your subordinates will appreciate you more if you can stay calm even under pressure and learn how to control your emotions. If you show concern or anxiety, there is also a huge chance that your staff will feel the same way.

3. Decisiveness

In a blog published on HelpScout.net, people prefer leaders who are decisive and know how to make sound decisions especially during difficult times. It shows that you have critical thinking skills and can continue to deliver and work with the team despite a hard situation. Your staff will learn to trust you more over time. You should have the ability to make quick but well-founded decisions to lead the team to success or minimize losses.

4. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses

An article published on KornFerry.com stated that leaders who know how to maximize the strengths of their people as well as manage their limitations are more successful. Your staff will respect you more if you can assign them tasks that will suit their skill set and background.

5. Showing appreciation

Listening to your staff's suggestions and occassionally providing rewards and incentives will help boost their confidence and present yourself as a helpful and understanding leader. Even kind words can boost their confidence and help them focus more on future tasks. Take time to consult them on matters and show them respect from the start to the end of each project. .