'Winds of Winter' theory: Euron Greyjoy and the Long Night

Euron Greyjoy is without a doubt a very dark character, with very little hope of doing any good for the realm. There is a lot of anticipation about what he is about to do. Some fans believe that he will raise a real kraken from the depths of the sea and vanquish his enemies. However, a new theory suggests that the character may be up to something else entirely, and there could be an exciting connection to the North that George RR Martin may have left clues about. The following article contains spoilers.
Euron Greyjoy has set out with his ships, to destroy the powerful Redwyne fleet. He has priests strapped to the bow, so a mass sacrifice of some sort can be expected. Some suggest that this could lead to a kraken finally appearing in the book series. But, could there be another reason for this mass sacrifice?
A fan theory posted on Reddit, suggests that with the White Walkers and dragons “A Song of Ice and Fire” already has all the magical elements it needs. So, there is no need for Martin to introduce another big magical creature. Instead, the fan suggests that Euron could be heading to Oldtown, to the Hightower. There, he may start the next Long Night.
According to the fan theory, there have been enough hints in the series to show that Euron has some connection to Bloodraven. His banner is a red eye, his shade of morning is similar to Bran’s weirwood paste, and most importantly his confirmation that he used to dream that he could fly as a boy, which is another big hint.
Was Euron a former student of the Bloodraven who switched sides and started working for the Others? In another passage in “A Feast for Crows,” he says that he needs an heir that is worthy of “HIM.” Could this be the Night’s King that he is talking about?
Now, about the Long Night; the fan points out that there are a lot of ancient structures that are built of a material known as black stone. The tyrannical Bloodstone Emperor used to pray to a black stone too. Euron is heading to the largest known black stone at Oldtown, and intends to offer sacrifices in order to “activate” the stone and bring about the Long Night, according to the theory.
There are many questions with regard to many characters in the books. “Winds of Winter” being the penultimate in the series, may begin to answer at least some of these questions and take the story towards an exciting end.