Ever heard of the booze blush? There are more people who turn red after drinking alcoholic beverages than those who look normal even with the booze in their system. But according to a new South Korean research, turning red when drinking alcohol can be the result of an allergic reaction or heart problem.

So What Really Happens During the Booze Blush?

Possibly, the blood vessels are set to constrict when an alcoholic metabolite gathers up within your body. It slows down the blood circulation and will make appear as if you are struggling to carry heavy barbells, according to Dr. Jong-Sung Kim, another author of the recent study. However, it can be a bit tough to identify whether it is an allergic reaction or the inability of the body to break down the metabolite since both scenarios can lead to flushing your face.

On the safe side, it is very important to remind yourself that when you drink too much, a heavy load of metabolite can also build up which can lead to high blood pressure. If you want to be trouble-free, then stick to drinking about 3 drinks almost every week.

It's No Laughing Matter Anymore

According to an article written by Daily Mail UK, it is not to be considered a joke anymore when you find some friends flushing red in the face during a drinking session. It should be taken as a serious matter since it can potentially lead to a heart attack or even stroke as it places a lot of tension in your blood vessels.

Can It Be Stopped?

The booze blush can be prevented by avoiding drinking too much alcohol. Ask.com added if it is an allergic reaction, then probably taking the right prescription pills for your allergy can be taken or consume foods rich in carbohydrates as you drink.

(Video Credit: YouTube/Jeffrey Benabio, MD)