Losing weight is hard, but keeping it off can be even harder. According to an Australian researcher, a symphony of hormonal changes sends the body relentless signals to slow metabolism and increase the urge to eat, for at least a year after weight loss. Dieters are left to fight their own biology.A dieter is left pondering on, Why can't I keep the weight off ? Check out for yourself. Lack of Expertise: If you lack in proper expertise, you are at a huge disadvantage from the get-go. Using scientific resources can dramatically increase your chances of success by 73%. Achieving a healthy weight loss is a result of smart nutrition balanced with exercise output to maintain a steady metabolism. You need to opt for a customized nutrition plan that gives you the dense nutrients while economizing calories. Dieters in a hurry to lose weight quickly eat too few calories. They often skip breakfast, they don't eat healthy enough foods, and try to eliminate certain "bad" foods. This pattern cannot be pursued for long.Personal Outlook: Anyone can change an eating behavior and lose weight - in the short run. But unless they change their thinking, too, they invariably are bound to return to their old habits. Some examples of problematic thinking involve statements like, "I deserve to comfort myself with food," "It's unfair that I can't eat what everyone else is eating," and "I've cheated; I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the day and start again tomorrow." Diet and exercise is a mere 10% of the solution. Without the proper mindset, it does not matter if you have the holy grail of healthy diet and exercise information sitting right in front of you.Inadequate Nourishment: History of repeated incidents of dieting can lead to malnourishment. Low calorie diets can rob the body of much needed nourishment for survival. Therefore one needs a well conceived meal plan that will give you everything your body needs every single day.Why Can't I Keep the Weight Off Sleep Pattern: Exercise science professor Bruce Bailey studied more than 300 women from two major Western U.S. universities over the course of several weeks and found that those with the best sleeping habits had healthier weight. The main findings from the study, published online in the American Journal of Health Promotion indicated that, a consistent bed time and, especially, a consistent wake time are related to lower body fat. Getting less than 6.5 or more than 8.5 hours of sleep per night is associated with higher body fat. Quality of sleep is important for body composition. Study participants who went to bed and woke up at, or around the same time each day had lower body fat. Those with more than 90 minutes of variation in sleep and wake time during the week had higher body fat than those with less than 60 minutes of variation.Social Support: Diet experts say it's not unusual for the people whom you think would support you the most -- BFFs, family members, significant others -- to try to derail your weight-loss goals, especially when you first make changes. Understand why people tempt you with diet-breaking treats, and then use these strategies to clear the air and stay on track. Tell your mom, sis, friend or aunt about your new goals in advance of when you typically get together. Give her a call and say, I know you enjoy cooking for me, but I'm trying to lose weight and I need your support. When I come over, I want to be able to say 'No, thanks' to some dishes and for you to be okay with that. It may take time for this reality to set in with your social circle, especially because, depending on the culture you grew up in, your extra pounds may look beautifully curvy to your family member. If you are looking for a healthy and permanent weight loss, Women Fitness Membership plan is the right destination. Click here, to learn what all we have to offer. If you have lost weight, you need to remain vigilant and understand that the battle is not yet over. Indeed, the most difficult part of the weight loss program is the maintenance phase, which may be life long.

Article provided by Women Fitness http://www.womenfitness.net