The episode 10 of "Under the Dome" Season 2, "The Fall," is a fast-paced episode, with lots of developments, including Big Jim throwing the egg over the cliff. With egg gone, the tunnel's exit passage closes. Phil, unaware that the water has disappeared, jumps down the cliff to escape and meets his death on a rocky, sharp, pointed bottom.

Bobby, Sam, Pauline and Hunter come back to the dome and Lyle's status is unknown. It is being assumed that he is dead. Big Jim finally sees that his wife is alive. Pauline tells him that she did to protect the family, as her visions made her believe that something terrible was coming. She believed that if she was gone her family would be protected. Big Jim accuses her of destroying her own son.

Meanwhile, the dome is accelerating the season and everyone is feeling cold. Bobby and Julia reunite and Bobby tells her about the plan to move everyone outside the dome. In exchange for entering Zenith, they have to hand over the egg to Bobby's father. Bobby convinces a reluctant Julia. Melanie joins them and is not ready to give them the egg. She had kept the egg at the storm cellar. Bobby and Melanie talk and it is revealed that Melanie's mother and Bobby's father were in a relationship, before he married Bobby's mother, and they had a child. Melanie turns out be Bobby's sister. As a brother, Bobby is able to convince Melanie to give them the egg so that everyone can get out of the dome.

Big Jim also wants to be part of the exit plan, as he wants to protect his family. He wants to take the lead and Julia and Bobby allow him to do so, with a condition attached -- his family will be the last to leave. Big Jim returns home to see Pauline painting her newest vision. The egg in the storm cellar is glowing and which is making Pauline paint in a distressed, hyper state. Unable to see her in such a state, Big Jim locks her up and goes to find the egg.

With the help of Hunter, Joe and Norrie create a device to track down the egg. Junior meets his mother and finds out that Sam has come back, too. He heads to Sam's place and beats him up and is about to use an axe on him when he sees Angie's vision for the second time in the episode. He had earlier seen her vision in the storm cellar after Melanie kissed him and left the cellar. Angie's vision had warned him not to follow his heart. Angie tells him not to kill Sam as he is part of the plan. Junior does not kill Sam.

Big Jim, and Melanie, Bobby and Julia, and Joe and Norrie all heads towards the storm cellar. Big Jim is the first to reach and when he touches the egg, he gets a violent shock and falls on the bunker. The egg, however, stops emitting light in Norrie's hand. Big Jim gets up and points a gun at Joe and Norrie and he wants them to take the egg to the cliff. Melanie, Bobby and Julia do not find the egg.

Big Jim throws the egg down the cliff and a major earthquake hits the dome. Phil escapes the prison, while Hunter helps Joe and Norrie come out of the tunnel. Big Jim reaches home to find that Pauline's visions are gone and she is stable. Melanie, however, collapses and she is taken to Sam's place. He manages to revive her, but she looks pale.

Bobby and Julia follow Phil who is running off to the cliff to escape. His death makes Bobby and Julia see that the passage has closed.