Divers and explorers of the UFO Baltic Sea claims that all of their electric equipments were disabled whenever they try to approach the UFO Baltic sea location. Most of their electric equipments were not working when they try to get a closer look of the said object.

Ocean X, the team who are exposing this anomaly, revealed this startling information. According Stefan Hogerborn, a professional diver and part of Ocean X, most of the team's cameras and satellite phone are not working when it is used directly above the object. Once the phones or cameras are moved away from that specific location, it works perfectly fine. He also stated that "Anything electric out there - and the satellite phone as well - stopped working when we were above the object and then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn't work."

Peter Lindberg, another professional diver, who is part of the team also recalled the same experience.

According to Lindberg, "We have experienced things that I really couldn't imagine and I have been the team's biggest skeptic regarding these different kind of theories. I was kind of prepared just to find a stone or cliff or outcrop or pile of mud but it was nothing like that, so for me it has been a missing experience I must say."

Despite that, the exploring team still managed to get pictures like the soot-covered rocks that circulates at an egg-shaped hole that goes down to the object at the center part as well as a 985-foot flattened out "runway". This images imply that the the object might have skidded along the path before coming into a full stop. Even with these images, the exploring team are not yet sure as to the identity of the object.

Dennis Asberg, one of the team members, disclosed his thoughts about their exploration stating "I am one hundred percent convinced and confident that we have found something that is very, very, very unique. If it's a meteorite or an asteroid, or a volcano, or a base from, say, a U-boat from the Cold War which has manufactured and placed there -- or if it is a UFO... Well honestly, it has to be something".

The supposedly UFO in the Baltic Sea was first discovered last May, 2011 with a Sonar picture of the image. The image resembled the famous Star Wars ship, the Millenium Falcon which generated interest for many people. As to this date, the mystery is not yet solved which only fueled countless number of speculations regarding the UFO in the Baltic Sea.