An unidentified flying object (UFO) has reportedly attacked a Taliban camp. U.S. Marines captured in video the incident dated March 2014 and posted on YouTube on May 5. The video is now viral attracting more than 49,000 viewers to date.

While the video mostly attracted UFO skeptics, there were those who were quick to use sarcasm. One Viewer wrote: "U.S. Military controlled UFO attacking Taliban camp," alluding to the rumored U.S. military drones deployed to kill terrorists.

The video which lasted 1 minute and 35 seconds showed a triangular flying object as it attacks a Taliban camp based in Afghanistan. Opening shot featured the gray triangular flying object hovering the city of Asadabad. Nato crews on armored vehicle watched the UFO as it suddenly flashed lights coming from the undersides. The lights apparently were the manifestations that the flying object was targeting the camp. What followed were explosions as big smoke shaped like mushrooms.

Click here for the video.

While skeptics were quick to reject the video, one skeptic in Caloundra had a change of heart on UFOs. On April 21, a commercial pilot from Caloundra witnessed a mysterious light hovering that left him bewildered.

Speaking with The Sunshine Coast Daily, the pilot said he saw the flying object on Good Friday. He described it as being similar to Chinese lanterns floating high in the sky towards the southern part then turned toward eastern direction.

"We were looking for an identifier - a beacon or strobe light but there wasn't any. I thought it had the characteristics of an object that could fly and I was curious as to what the lights were."

At first, he did not think of it as an UFO but after downloading the picture he took of the flying object, he was surprised as it showed outline of an aircraft body.

"I was surprised ... with the clarity with the camera. At first I was curious because it was moving so quickly, moving at a speed that I have never seen a lantern or something of that sort doing. When we zoomed in later we thought, 'Wow, that has a shape to it'."

After the experience, he now considered that there "could be something else out there."