Very few action films have been shown with female leads but the ones out there are quite good. After "La Femme Nikita," several female leads in an action film have started making their edge to the big screen but the good ones are few and far behind.

Colombiana (2011)

Colombiana was about a girl who witnessed her parents' death in the hands of a syndicate. At age 9, she decided to become an assassin.

Hanna (2011)

Hanna grew up in a forest and raised by her father. The 16-year-old was a perfect assassin who can speak several languages fluently and very intelligent. Hanna was dispatched in a mission to kill a number of ruthless agents along the way. What was great about this movie was that Hanna was not your usual heroine and she did not have to dress sexy to make a great film.

Kill Bill Vols. 1 and Vol. 2 (2003, 2004)

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," they said and the two Kill Bill movies was a representation of this phrase. For those who loved a bit of blood and great fight scenes, Kill Bill was a great choice. Cinematography and the cast made it one of the best action films with a female lead.

La Femme Nikita (1990)

Nikita was a convicted felon but instead of being sent to jail, she was trained by government agents and became an assassin.

Brave (2012)

Brave was an animated film about Princess Merida who relied on her archery skills to undo a curse. This was a great 93-minute movie for adults and kids.

Salt (2010)

The spy thriller starring Angelina Jolie was one of the best action films with a female lead released in the past few years. The story revolved around intelligence officer Evelyn Salt who later went rogue because her colleagues thought she's a Russian spy.

Duplicity (2009)

Julia Roberts played the role of a spy who collaborated with another spy to carry out a con. The plot was relatively new for most Julia Robert films making it an exciting new genre for her fans.