After a recent study showing that more males suffer from influenza compared to females, it is indeed important to check things that can be avoided in order to prevent flu. Influenza is a contagious disease that can be spread through air and contracted easily. Therefore, people, especially men, should know how to protect themselves to this contagious disease.

Every minute is important and for these outgoing men, they just can’t afford to lose even a single day of work. Knowing that men are more susceptible in catching the flu and common viruses, here are some tips that can be useful in avoiding this common disease.

1. Reduce Alcohol Intake
Alcohol can compromise the immune response even in moderate amounts. A study shows that heavy and chronic drinkers suffer more from flu, cough, colds, and other common viruses, compared to non drinkers.

2. Stop/Avoid smoking
Smoking can paralyze the cilia which are responsible for sweeping the viruses before they can cause infections. Aside from that, smoking can also cause nasal allergy which is the main factor for having a runny nose.

3. Get enough rest and sleep
Because men can be more outgoing than women, it is important to get sufficient amount of sleep and rest. Sleep deprivation can reduce the immune response to external factors.

4. Make sure that RDA for essential vitamins are met
Diet can also affect one’s health. So men should make sure that they meet the recommended daily allowance of essential Vitamins like Vitamin A, C, D, and E. These vitamins can help boost the immune system.

5. Stay away from too much radiation
Radiation can also weaken the immune system. Men who are online daily for more than 8 hours are at risk of having different opportunistic diseases including flu.

6. Masks won’t save people
Face masks will not save people from flu. Scientific evidences suggest that these surgical masks are not effective preventive measures for flu according to the Health Protection Agency.

7. Take extra garlic and mushroom
Garlic is good for fighting different types of viral and bacterial infections. Thus, taking extra garlic every day can help in reducing the risks of flu. It was recommended to eat 2 cloves of raw garlic every day. And to avoid foul breath, mince the garlic in smaller pieces and take it with water or tea.

On the other hand, mushrooms have been found to increase white blood cells production. Shiitake and Maitake mushrooms can provide the best immunity boost.

8. Drink Tea Regularly
Replace coffee with tea. Studies have shown that people who are taking 5 cups of black tea everyday in two weeks can have ten times higher levels in fighting common diseases like cough, colds, and flu.

9. Exercise and be active
A daily exercise routine of 30 to 60 minutes is indeed helpful in boosting the immune system. David Nielman of Appalachian State University conducted a research and found out that men who walk regularly can have lesser chances of having cough, colds, and flu.

10. Avoid the Flu Shot
"There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine, thus far developed, is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza." says Dr. J Anthony Morris, the former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the FDA. Most of the flu shots also contain toxic substances such as formaldehyde (which is a carcinogen), thimerosol (component of Mercury), and aluminum (which can cause Alzheimer’s disease). Therefore, these shots should be avoided and seek natural and safe prevention methods instead.