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Apple WWDC 2017

Apple, the $1 trillion company searching for its soul

Apple has become the first American company to reach US$1 trillion in market capitalisation – US$1,000,000,000,000 in stockmarket value. Behind this glittering success, however, lies a series of unresolved ethical dilemmas.
smartphone low battery

Why does my phone battery die so fast?

Why do batteries die? This same question has probably crossed the mind of every cellphone user trying to send one last text before the screen blinks off.

What is all the fuss about 5G?

Every decade or so, the wireless industry rolls out a new cellular communications standard that can transmit more data more quickly. Already under development is the next round, called “5G.”
Cryptocurrency mining

Cryptojacking spreads across the web

Right now, your computer might be using its memory and processor power – and your electricity – to generate money for someone else, without you ever knowing. It’s called “cryptojacking.”
