Taylor Swift would always strike fans as the sweet and charming country crooner who made it big. However, for one of the few men behind Swift's songs, one felt "humiliated" by the singer's song. Who is this bitter ex and what song was he referring to?

Well, it is none other than John Mayer. As for the song that "humiliated" John, it was Taylor's 2010 hit tune, "Dear John". Not only did John Mayer take a hit at Swift's song but called it "cheap songwriting". This proves John Mayer is very out of his element going around acting like one hell of a bitter ex. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, the 34-year old opens up on all his ex-girlfriends but hits on Swift more than he should.

"It made me feel terrible," said John on Swift's song, adding, "Because I didn't deserve it. I'm pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do."

Judging from all of John Mayer's ex-girlfriends who "crashed and burned" after his games, Mayer should really start thinking of his "accountability" before ultimately deciding he did not deserve the lash back.

"I never got an e-mail. I never got a phone call," explained John on the rumored relationship.

"I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me at a time when I'd already been dressed down. I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you've ever been, someone kicked you even lower?," continued Mayer.

Surely after having been in a relationship with a few Hollywood celebrities, John would have realized Taylor Swift's ulterior motives and feelings. Instead, as Taylor put it, John had played her well.

Still with all Mayer's explanations on Rolling Stone, the song "Dear John" has already done its' trick on his reputation. Maybe this should serve as a lesson to John Mayer, to never play with the feelings of a hit song maker. As for Taylor Swift, it would be better to learn how to keep a good distance away from old men.