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Who would have thought sporty people have a thing for Twilight too? At least for werewolves instead of vampires or, hapless females in love with one.

A visit on Jared Allen's camp dorm showed how much of a fan the Minessota Vikings defensive end is of Taylor Lautner. Instead of sports stars or car posters one would typically see on men's rooms, Jared Allen has Taylor Lautner and his bare chest, looking young and sombre, gazing at him day in and out.

Jay Glazer has been delivering the goods all week since FOX Football Daily premiered on Monday on FOX Sports 1. Aside from the scoop he shared of Antonio Smith swinging his helmet at Richie Incognito, Glazer has also showed other exclusive videos. On Wednesday's show, Glazer featured a video he had taken inside Allen's training camp dorm room back in 2010. Aside from the cute comforter filled with soccer balls, a poster of wrestler John Cena, viewers can see a poster of heartthrob Lautner and another Twilight movie poster in the room. Seems like someone is a big fan of the franchise, but firmly believes Bella should have ended up with Jacob instead of the translucent Edward.

Known for his big sense of humor, now people can see how fun the camp room of Jared Allen is too, true to his personality. Interesting. The Minnesota Defensive must have gotten some tips on how to move like a werewolf from Taylor, and this help him in his games. Blood-sucking and glittering cannot do much in the field after all.